Monday 13 May 2013

Iago manipulated almost everybody in the play. He manipulated his Wife, Othello, Cassio, Roderigo, and more.  
"Manipulation is getting what you want by ignoring or harming the desires of others. Manipulators use charm, persuasion, trickery, and misdirection."(SetFree)

Throughout Shakespeare's famous play, Othello, Roderigo is used as a puppet, for many of Iago's evil plans to destroy Othello. The real issue that bring curiosity to the reader is:

Why was it so easy for Iago to

manipulate Roderigo?

"Roderigo is obviously not a very confident man nor is he very smart.   Roderigo’s character would have to be somewhat unattractive and portray a self-conscious and pitiful man." (Scott)

The answer is, Desdemona. Iago tricks Roderigo into giving him money to win him Desdemona. Roderigo is a very innocent, generous, and nice gentleman who happens to be in love with the wife of "The Moor", Desdemona. Iago took advantage of Roderigo's feelings for Desdemona in order to fulfill his own desires.

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